YWAM’s Vision

Youth With A Mission's Statement of Purpose

Youth With A Mission is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus Christ personally to this generation, to mobilize as many as possible to help in this task, and to the training and equipping of believers for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission. As Christians of God's Kingdom, we are called to love, worship, and obey our Lord, to love and the Church, and to present the whole Gospel for the whole man throughout the whole world

We believe that the Bible is God's inspired and authoritative word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God's Son, that man is created in God's image, that He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ, that although all men have sinned and come short of God's glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that repentance, faith, love, and obedience are fitting responses to God's initiative of grace toward us, that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, and that the Holy Spirit's power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishing of Christ's last commandment.

"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15)

A Christian Magna Carta

The following Christian Magna Carta, developed in 1981 by YWAM leaders, expresses what we believe is an individual's basic rights implicit in the Gospel.

Because God so loved the world that He gave His own Son,

everyone on earth has the right for an opportunity to:

Hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Have the Bible available in his own language.

Have a Christian fellowship nearby, to be able to meet, have biblical teaching, prayer, and worship with others in the Body of Christ.

Have a Christian education available.

Have the basic necessities of life: food, water, clothing, shelter, & health care.

Lead a productive life of fulfillment spiritually, mentally,

socially, emotionally, and physically.